Pretty Girls Love Bad Boys: Front Street Edition
Pretty Girls Love Bad Boys: FRONT STREET EDITION
This is the 4th book in the Pretty Girls Love Bad Boys Series and the first book that contains a collaboration between King Guru and Debby Ng. We came together from opposite corners and bonded because of the sincere belief that effective communication is the most important thing in any and every relationship. We do not agree nor disagree on everything, but the important part is we put it all out there for you to decide. We come without strong opinions, sometimes swayed and sometimes not but always leaving room for thoughts and questions. Sometimes we reach a consensus and sometimes we are still ready to spar. This dialogue you read here between these pages is just the beginning and just a small piece of the movement we have created. Whether in a traditional relationship, long-distance relationship or in a relationship with someone incarcerated - we hit on each and every topic. We have an Instagram, a YouTube channel, and a blog. Please join us in any or all of those spaces, we would love to debate on a topic of your choosing. We welcome you into our movement of Pretty Girls Love Bad Boys. And yes, of course we are already at work on another book, so sit down, grab your favorite beverage and hop into our mood #prettygirlslovebadboys, it's just the beginning folx.