Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
Nolan and Heinzen offer an introduction to the basics of statistics that is uniquely suited to behavioral science students, with coverage anchored to real-world stories, a highly visual approach, helpful mathematical support, and step-by-step examples. The new edition focuses on emerging trends that are redefining contemporary behavioral statistics. The book features: Pedagogy that first emphasises mastering concepts, and then gives students multiple step-by-step examples of the process of each statistical methodExtensive Check Your Learning exercises to help students master content before moving on to new concepts in the chapterEnd-of-chapter exercises with four tiers (Clarifying the Concepts; Calculating the Statistics; Applying the Concepts; and Putting it All Together) to help students fully master the content and concepts of each chapter. The fourth edition also explores five major emerging trends in behavioral statistics: Visual displays of data; crowdsourcing; reproducibility; the 'new statistics' and Bayesian analysis.