MindTap Automotive, 4 Terms (24 Months) Printed Access Card for Automotive Service: Inspection, Maintenance and Repair
MindTap Automotive for Giles' Automotive Service: Inspection, Maintenance, Repair, 5th Edition provides you with the tools you need to better manage your limited time -- you can complete assignments whenever and wherever you are ready to learn with course material specially customized for you by your instructor and streamlined in one proven, easy-to-use interface. MindTap Automotive includes videos, animations, and ASE Education Foundation's-based job sheets, which are included as editable PDFs that you can complete online and submit to your teachers from within the MindTap environment. MindTap also offers you the ability to practice and build your diagnostic, critical thinking, and troubleshooting skills in a safe environment through diagnostic scenarios from Delmar Automotive Training Online (DATO). Through these resources and an array of tools and apps -- from note taking to flashcards -- you'll get a true understanding of course concepts, helping you to achieve better grades and setting the groundwork for your future courses and career.