Exploring Research, [GLOBAL EDITION]
F or courses in experimental methods and research methods in the social and behavioral sciences This book presents an unintimidating look at the basics of research, describing how to collect and analyze data and providing thorough instruction on how to prepare and write research proposal s and manuscript s . It covers the research process, problem selection, sampling and generalizability, and the measurement process , as well as the most common types of research models used in the social and behavioral sciences, including qualitative methods. The 10th e dition explores the use of electronic sources for research with more information about conducting research and literature reviews online and includes new information on how social media can be used in a research context and places a strong emphasis on ethics. Information about the use of the 7th Edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association is contained in several chapters. A key update in this edition is the coverage of SPSS and Excel as tools of choice for data analysis.