The Product Manager's Desk Reference, Third Edition
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The definitive guide to product management--updated for a more digital, more global, more competitive business landscape
The digital age is here to stay. That means the pace of business change will only increase and competitive forces will challenge you, and your role as a product manager. This is the book that provides the only definitive body of knowledge of product management that you and your product teams can use to optimize your product's business.
The Product Manager's Desk Reference has long been the go-to resource for product managers who seek to deliver quantifiable benefits to their company. In this fully revised edition of this bestseller, veteran product management thought leader Steven Haines lays out a repeatable process for product management organizational transformation, providing a clear roadmap you can follow to become the entrepreneurial strategic thinker who can drive your organization (and your career) into the future! As an added benefit, all readers will have access to digital tools, templates, and guides to help them on their career journey, simply by going to
Packed with important updates and revisions, The Product Manager's Desk Reference, Third Edition provides essential advice on:
- Companies with portfolio of digital and traditional products
- Utilization of various development methods (waterfall and agile)
- Product design methods to deliver better user experiences
- Strategic thinking and business analysis
- Cross-functional product team collaboration
- Product portfolio management and product discontinuation