Energy Efficiency and Management for Engineers

Energy Efficiency and Management for Engineers image




Edition: 1
Released: Feb 04, 2020
Publisher: McGraw=Hill
Format: Hardcover, 656 pages
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Identify energy conservation opportunities in buildings and industrial facilities and implement energy efficiency and management practices with confidence

This comprehensive engineering textbook helps students master the fundamentals of energy efficiency and management and build confidence in applying basic principles of the field to practice. Written by a team of experienced energy efficiency practitioners and educators, Energy Efficiency and Management for Engineers features foundations and practice of energy efficiency principles for all aspects of energy production, distribution, and consumption. Packed with numerous worked-out examples and over 1,400 end-of-chapter problems, the book makes clear connections between theory and practice and provides the engineering rationale behind all energy efficiency measures.

Coverage includes:

*  Energy management principles
*  Energy audits
*  Billing rate structures
*  Power factor
*  Specific energy consumption
*  Cogeneration
*  Boilers and steam systems
*  Heat recovery systems
*  Thermal insulation
*  Heating and cooling of buildings
*  Windows and infiltration
*  Electric motors
*  Compressed air lines
*  Lighting systems
*  Energy efficiency practices in buildings
*  Economic analysis and environmental impacts

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