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Fundamentals and Applications of Renewable Energy

Fundamentals and Applications of Renewable Energy image




Edition: 1
Released: Jun 05, 2019
Publisher: McGraw=Hill
Format: Hardcover, 416 pages
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Master the principles and applications of today’s renewable energy sources and systemsWritten by a team of recognized experts and educators, this authoritative textbook offers comprehensive coverage of all major renewable energy sources. The book delves into the main renewable energy topics such as solar, wind, geothermal, hydropower, biomass, tidal, and wave, as well as hydrogen and fuel cells. By stressing real-world relevancy and practical applications, Fundamentals and Applications of Renewable Energy helps prepare students for a successful career in renewable energy. The text contains detailed discussions on the thermodynamics, heat transfer, and fluid mechanics aspects of renewable energy systems in addition to technical and economic analyses. Numerous worked-out example problems and over 850 end-of-chapter review questions reinforce main concepts, formulations, design, and analysis.
Coverage includes:•Renewable energy basics•Thermal sciences overview•Fundamentals and applications ofSolar energy Wind energyHydropowerGeothermal energy Biomass energy Ocean energyHydrogen and fuel cells•Economics of renewable energy•Energy and the environment

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