Connect Access Card for Medical Coding Certification Exam Preparation
Medical Coding Certification Exam Preparation, Second Edition is designed to aid in the review for medical coding certifications, including AAPC’s Certified Professional Coder (CPC®) exam. While not intended to be an introduction to medical coding, this program provides an extensive review of the topics students need to know for coding certification exams, including coverage of anatomy, medical terminology, and pathophysiology, as well as the concepts, guidelines, and rules of medical coding. Based on their significant teaching experience and affiliations with AAPC, authors Cynthia Stewart and Cynthia Ward bring a fresh approach to preparing for the exam. The program is organized around the principle that students need the means to learn how to analyze cases and how to then translate services, procedures, and diagnoses from those cases into codes. The importance of understanding and knowing how to locate and use the guidelines inherent in the ICD-10, CPT®, and HCPCS coding manuals is emphasized throughout the program with the use of Spotlights and Mentor Coding Tips. Each chapter contains questions similar to those found on the CPC exam. In addition, each of the five units of the book ends with a Unit Exam, meant to be a cumulative review. Finally, the book concludes with a comprehensive practice exam on the use of ICD-10-CM codes. Additional practice is available through Connect®, McGraw-Hill Education's online assignment and assessment tool.