One day, two-year-old Renee Goode was playing happily with her sisters and cousin, as the four of them enjoyed an impromptu slumber party at the home of her father, Shane Goode. The next day she was dead. The local medical examiner could not determine the cause of Renee's death, but her mother, Annette, and grandmother, Sharon, were convinced she'd been murdered. And, they knew the identity of Renee's killer: her father, Shane Goode, a manipulative, emotionally abusive man who displayed virtually no interest in Renee until he took out a $50,000 insurance policy on her life. With the help of a female police investigator and an Assistant D.A., Sharon launched a case against Shane and had Renee's coffin exhumed from its final resting place. Her corpse revealed what her grandmother had suspected all along: Shane Goode had murdered his own daughter to cash in on her death.