This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1893 Excerpt: ...of the Chief Clerk of the Governor. ' Be it enacted by t/ze Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembty convened. SEOrIOn 1. The salary of the chief clerk of the governor shall be eighteen hundred dollars per annum. SaO. 2. So much of section 3706 of the general statutes as provides for the salary of the executive clerk is hereby repealed. SaO. 3. This act shall take eflect upon its passage. Approved, June 6, 1893. ' Senate Bill No. 237. CHAPTER CXCVII. An Act concerning Reservoirs. Be it enacted by t/ze Senate and liouse ¢y' Representatives in General Assembly convened. SECTION 1. The board of common council of any city, or the warden and burgesses of any borough, shall have power to make, alter, and repeal ordinances to regulate and prevent fishing, trespassing, and all sorts of nuisances in and upon the reservoir property of such city or borough, in whatever town said property may be situated. "' SEO. 2. The violations of any such ordinance shall be a misdemeanor, for which the board of common council, or the warden and burgesses, as the case may be, may impose penalties and forfeitures. All such penalties and forfeitures shall be to the use of the city or borough imposing the same, and may be recovered by either a civil action brought by the city or borough attorney in the name of the city or borough, or a criminal prosecution instituted by complaint of the city or borough attorney, brought before any justice of the peace, or other proper court having Jurisdiction within the city or borough against the person violating such ordinance; provided, that no person shall suffer both a criminal and civil prosecution for one breach of anyO ordinance. ' SEO. 3. The common council of any city or the warden and burgesses of any borough ...