Royal commandments; or, Morning thoughts for the King's servants
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1877 Excerpt: ...of the world; ib. i. 10. they do not see Him, they only see us, 1 Pet. ii. 9, and our lives are to show them what margin. His life is. What a tremendous trust 2 Cor. u. 16. our Master has given us Who is ib. iv. 7. sufficient for this thing? It is very real. He, our precious Lord, will be held in more or less esteem this day; His power, His grace, His sweetness 2 Cor. iii. 3. will be judged of according to what the outsiders see in our lives. This day it rests with us to bring fresh reproach and discredit on His dear name, by caricaturing His life, or so truly to 2Thesi.i.12. manifest it 'that the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you.' Thy life in me be shown I Lord, I would henceforth seek To think and speak Thy thoughts, Thy words alone, No more my own I Seventeenth Day. W$t fgofteegtroging Anointing. 'The yoke shall be destroyed because of Tsa. x. ij. the anointing.' THE Assyrian yoke of old was not so real, so tangible, so continually felt a yoke, as that under which many a child of God is writhing; yet they are ' called unto liberty, ' even ' the Cai. v. 13. glorious liberty of the children of God.' Rom. viii. And if the yoke of sin is felt to be real, the promised destruction of it surely will not be less so. If it is, as we know by sorrowful experience, no imaginary bondage, neither shall the deliverance be imaginary. You feel the yoke, but how shall it be destroyed? 1. Because of the grand anointing of our Lord Jesus Christ by God Himself 'with the Holy Ghost Acts.3s. Gal. iii. 14. Rom. iv. 20, 1. 1's. Ii. 12. Heb. x. 23. and with power' to proclaim liberty to the captives; the grace and might of the Triune Jehovah thus combining in the proclamation of the liberty which Jesus purchased by taking upon Him the form of a slave and beco..