The Slide-Rule, and How to Use It
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1868 Excerpt: ...follow the same rule. A Below 20 feet run 30 40 To 144 B Find 5 ft. cube 7.5 10-Set 36 the sq. ins. in cross sec. To find the price per foot run of any scantling in the proportion to any price per foot cube. A Below any sq. ins. in section To 144 B Find pence per foot run. Set price in pence per foot cube. Ex.: Timber at 3s. 6d. = 42d. per foot cube, find the price per foot run of scantling, 2 x 4 = 10, 3 x 4 = 12, and 3 x 5 = 15. A Below 10 12 15 ins. section (To 144 B Find 2.9 3.5 4.4 pence per ft. run. IstASet 42 pence per foot ( cube. D 3 Reduction Op Deals And Boards To St. Petersburg Standard, 120 deals of 12' 11" x 1£". Feet run of any section reduced to feet run St. Petersburg. Section in inches Find run in feet of any section on A Ret Above run in feet St. Petersburg... on B To Section in inches Find run in feet of any section on A Set Above run in feet St. Petersburg... on B To Section in inches: Find run in feet of any section on A Set Above run infeet St. Petersburg... on B To Section in inches Find run in feet of any section on A Set Above run in feet St. Petersburg... on B To Section in inches Find run in feet of any section on A Set Above run in feet St. Petersburg... on B To Example: Reduce 2000 feet run of 3x9 to feet run of St. Petersburg. A Set 880 Below 2000 or any feet run of 3 x 9 P. To 1440 Find 3300 feet St. Petersburg. Feet Run of any Section reduced to St. Petersburg Deals. Section in inches 4x12 4x11 4x10 4x9 4x8 Below feet run of any section on A Set 165 90 495 110 310 Find No. of St. Petersburg deals on B To 40 20 100 20 50 Section in inches 4x7 4x6 3x12 3x11 3x10 Below feet run of any section on A Set 460 750 110 120 330 Find No. of St. Petersburg deals on B To 65 91 20 20 50 Section in inches 3x9 3x8 3x7 3x6 Bel...