Harnessing Digital Disruption
"Our world has changed, probably for good. Until now, the shift from brick-and-mortar to the smartphone has been about service, cost and convenience. Now, it's also a matter of public health. In some industries, this trend has been evident for some time. But now it's going to accelerate across the gamut of industry. How do we remain relevant in this risky new world? How do we win this uncertain new game? What if ours is a brick-and-mortar organization that depends on face-to-face interaction? Can we learn to harness digital methods, tools and technologies? Fortunately, there is a pathway to prosperity. The story in this book is set in the heady world of international banking, but the prescription, methods and lessons apply equally to manufacturers, utilities, hospitals, insurers and government agencies. Harnessing digital disruption entails learning new tools, systems and thinking. Doing so effectively requires a sound overall approach based on timeless principles"--