Looking for Insight, Transformation, and Learning in Online Talk
Looking for Insight, Transformation, and Learning in Online Talk is a comprehensive guide to analyzing digital interaction in formal and informal online spaces. The book establishes a new research framework for addressing major challenges that have arisen as social exchanges, meaning-making, and knowledge-building increasingly take place in social media, discussion forums, and online communities.
With a focus on methodological alignment to support valid and trustworthy knowledge claims, the authors present a series of design decisions to help researchers:
- frame their object of interest and unpack underlying assumptions
- understand key differences between researcher-influenced and pre-existing online talk
- ethically extract and organize data for analysis
- apply rigorous qualitative, quantitative, and computational methods to answer their research questions
Written for scholars in education, business, communication, media studies, health sciences, political sciences, and beyond, this is a thorough approach to the research methods and concerns essential to the study of talk in online contexts.