Microscopical Determination of the Opaque Minerals; An Aid to the Study of Ores
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1916 Excerpt: ...1 4. Grayish White (?v 1. HNO, Neg.; C v, 1-KCN Neg. 1. Bournonite 2. Tenorite 3. Delafossite 4. (Tetrahedrite) 5. (Regnolite) 3) 2. KCN 1. (Polybasite) 2. (Enargite) 3. (Argyrodite) 1. Fecls Neg. 1. No EFF. HNOs 1. Nagyagite 2. Freieslebenite 3. Guitermannite 4. Beegerite 5. Jordanite? 6. Andorite 7. Epiboulangerite 8. Unknown (near Andorite) 9. (Bismuthinite) 10. (Lengenbachite) 11. (Baumhauerite) 12. (Jamesonite) Eff. HNOs 1. Boulangerite 2. Dognacskaite 3. Horsfordite 4. Plagionite 5. (Chiviatite) Fecls 1. Arsenic 2. "Alloklas" 3. Rezbanyite 4. Plenargyrite (hard) 5. Schapbachite (hard) 6. Petzite OF THE OPAQUE MINERALS 55 4. Grayish White 1. f I fj 1. Molybdenite 2. Regnolite 3. Seligmannite 4. "Argentiferous Jamesonite" 5. (Cinnabar) 6. (Kalgoorlite) 7. (Bournonite) 8. (Tiemannite) 9. (Rathite) 10. (Lengenbachite),02. KCN ч 1. Orpiment 2. Argyrodite 3. Polybasite 4. Pearceite 5. (Jalpaite) 6. (Miargyrite) 7. (Stephanite) 8. (Livingstonite) Aq. Reg. Neg. 1. Cassiterite 2. Limonite 3.-Chromite 4. (Rutile) 5. (Franklinite) 6. (Hematite) 7. (Ilmenite) iq-V 2. Aq. Reg. 1. Uraninite ijq 2. Hclconc. 1. Franklinite 2. Psilomelane 3. (Magnetite) O di 2. Hardness Medium 'щЛ 1. Hcl Neg. 1. Sphalerite 2. Wurtzite 3. Voltzite 4. Erythrozincite 5. (Uraninite) 6. (Argyrodite) 1 2. Hcl 1. Cuprodescloizite 2. (Cuprite) 3. (Alabandite) 4. (Tenorite) 5. (Delafossite) Hardness Low 1. Lorandite 2. (Stannite) 3. ("Petzite?") 4. (Argyrodite) 5. (Erythrozincite) 6. (" Tapalpaite " gray) COLORED TABLES FOR MINERAL IDENTIFICATION Blue Bright COVELLITE CuS Col. Blue. Varies from deep bright blue, sometimes purple, to very pale blue, almost white, like chalcocite. Occ. Usually in minute plates appearing as needles i...