This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1833 Excerpt: ...effort has been made for generations, mid in every mode tiiai wisdom or philanthropy cuuld suggest; and yet, in no one solitary instance, has it produced any permanent and general beneficial effect. A.nd we may survey or whole cultivated territory in the vain expectation of discovert g ne aboriginal community, however small, which has withstood the ceaseless pressure o civilization, and wh ch holds out the sligh est prosper t ol' moral or physical improvement, or even of eventual subsistence, for the gr-ai body of the individual composing it. If such a community exist it is, onlv by those, who are unacquainted with its a tual condition, and with ll-e intern l history ol its wants, its dis listens, and its oppressions. The act of Congress ol May 2S. 1830, created a harrier, beyond wb-ch the dispersed remnants of our various Indian tribes may be collected and preseivt-d. The provisions of that act are plain, salutary, and comprehei.sive. It s a solemn national declaration, containing pledges, which nettbfr the Government nor the country will suffer to be violated. It secures 'o the Indian-, forever, the undisputed possession and control of the region allotted to them, and makes such..rrangements as are essential to the subsistence, safety- and comlo table estab ishroeot, f thp colonists No similai attempt has t ver been h-retofore made, and therefore no unfavourable deductions can be drawn from the failure of preceding efforts, having i view the same general object, but endeavoring to attain i' by far diff rnt nit.ins N'- organised government exists, or can exist, to asert jurisdiction over these tribes, and treaties of cession are incompatible with the who-e biists of die plan ol settlement AH the tes imouy before this department concurs in rep...
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