This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1882 Excerpt: ...Tribes and Castes as represented in Benares. By the Rev. M. A. Sherring. With Illustrations. 4to. Cloth. Vol. I. pp. xxiv and 408. 1872. Now £6 6s. Vol. II. pp. lxviii. and 376. 1879. £2 8s. Vol. III. pp. xii. and 336. 1881. £1 12s. Sherring.--The Sacked Cuy Of The Hindus. An Account of Benares in Ancient and Modern Times. By the Bev. M. A. Sherring, M.A., LL.D.; and Prefaced with an Introduction by Fitzedward Hall, Esq., D.C.L. 8vo. cloth, pp. xxxvi. and 388, with numerous full-page illustrations. 1868. 21s. Sibree.--The Great African Island. Chapters on Madagascar. A Popular Account of Becent Besearches in the Physical Geography, Geology, and Exploration of the Country, and its Natural History and Botany, and in the Origin and Division, Customs and Language, Superstitions, Folk-Lore and Religious Belief, and Practices of the Different Tribes. Together with Illustrations of Scripture and Early Church History, from Native Statists and Missionary Experience. By the Bev. Jas. Sibree, jun., F.R.G.S., of the London Missionary Society, etc. Demy 8vo. cloth, with Maps and Illustrations, pp. xii. and 372. 1880. 12s. Smith.--Contributions Towards The Materia Medica And Natural History Of China. For the use of Medical Missionaries and Native Medical Students. By F. Porter Smith, M.B. London, Medical Missionary in Central China. Imp. 4to. cloth, pp. viii. and 240. 1870. £1 Is. Strangford.--Original Letters And Papers Of The Late Viscount Strangford, upon Philological and Kindred Subjects. Edited by Viscountess Strangford. Post 8vo. cloth, pp. xxii. and 284. 1878. 12. 6d. Thomas.--Ancient Indian Weights. See Numismata Orientalia." Vol. I. Part I. Thomas.--Comments On Becent Pehlyi Decipherments. "With an Incidental Sketch of the Derivatio...