The substance of Christian religion; or, A plain and easie draught of the Christian catechisme, in LII.
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1659 Excerpt: ...we are railed, .that so"we may Jots? ftirrfrupthattkfolnesse hi our: selves; to God, md eertaine holr contempt' and. neglects of alt things in this wtla.;.-Deft. 4. 7bk rrjurreCno -f turhtTieifr-fi ihtiegi end the glorificdthhr ofthtm, (bal be fy ibe tntst foveersuU cferttliti of Cbrift. /-. v" ' 'From these words; Attbtdlt%1ftbdt Mighty sower is iwrlmg, ht fauld rtintfitme'i 8cc. And this agrees to Christ, as he i3 orte and the self (ame God with thefather.'"': Red. 1'Because it is th'ework 6f that superenunent greatnessd of power, that is proper untoGcd, Reaf. 2. Because that most wenderfull quickening of our bodies, should come from the'living, and alive-making Godi who is the fountain and source, of all life. Therefore in the same manner it is not attributedonelf to the Father, but; also to the Soty and Holy Spirit, Row. 8.11. % This agreeth also to Christ, as he is Mediator, bnc frill1 at united unto Got essential )' j also as he submits himself together with the humane nature in one per(bni.tobe mediator, J-b.i6. and'6.40. V Ref. 1. Because it belong to; the Mediatory of-., ficeofChrist, not onely that by his merit, hefhould procure lifeeternasto us; but also by hispowcrfull, Working actually bringthefame topass Rw/. 2.: Bccausc Cfiristas Mediator is the head., I 4. of. of his Church, from whom is derived andcomn tiicated to us die Spiric of life, whereby as well our soules, as our bodies are quickened y our soules eG 'yecially in thislifeand our bodies inthe day of the resurrection... Y, . '. '.'... jt-/..a, . Because Christ as Mediator, and, fix oi of m-n (but as united1 pesonally in theQod; head, in the Son of God ) /Hall judge the world, job. 5'. ti. Now this'Belongs to the power of the Judge, that he can bring_bef...