Natenberg on Option Volatility Strategies: Using Volatility To Limit Risk and Increase Returns
In this book/DVD set, renowned options expert Sheldon Natenberg provides a powerful, non-technical, step-by-step approach for understanding why and how volatility plays such a critical role in options trading. He explains the strengths and weaknesses of option models; the vital part probability plays in estimating option prices; and the difference between historical volatility, future volatility and implied volatility. - and the function of each. Develop insight into why the perception of volatility is a more influential factor than actual market direction in option pricing. Become acquainted with the steps needed to analyze and trade options the way the pros do - by mastering key volatility techniques. In addition, Natenberg explains:
· The basis of implied volatility and how it is calculated.
· The importance of dynamic hedging through delta neutral positions.
· The assumptions driving an options pricing model.
· How to compare price to value.
· How option trading decisions begin by comparing implied volatility to future
With the book, DVD, and a complete online support manual, this package is a valuable primer for mastering this all-important element of options trading.