"Etidorhpa," first published in 1895, is an incredible adventure about a strange manuscript and the story of a man who divulged the secrets of an occult organization, was kidnapped by the members and forced to go deep into a cave in Kentucky where he travels to the center of the earth!\nAlong the way he discovers fantastic wonders that challenge the imagination. Eventually he meets the celestial being, Etidorhpa. His guide during the journey is a strange androgynous, humanoid being who has no eyes and blue skin!\nThe story presents a glimpse into 19th century science, secret societies, mystical revelations, fantasy, the occult, and even hallucinogenic mushrooms. It most certainly has "steampunk" appeal. Any fan of Jules Verne should enjoy this adventure.\nThis masterpiece paperback edition presents the entire text (fully edited to correct mistakes and make the text easy to read) and the fantastic Knapp illustrations. It is presented here for the discerning reader and/or collector who appreciates the beauty and uniqueness of the original book.\nFrom the Author\nI edited this book. John Uri Lloyd is the author.