Jokes for Very Funny Kids (Ages 3 to 7): Funny Jokes, Riddles and More
JOKES FOR VERY FUNNY KIDS (3-7) is a children's joke book containing funny kids' jokes with over 140 funny illustrations and funny pictures. The funny illustrations and pictures are visual aids to children who may become tired of reading line after line. In creating this book we tested jokes on kids and included the ones they laughed at and deleted the jokes they didn't laugh at. Besides learning to enjoy books, kids will be laughing and sharing funny jokes with everyone! Great for early readers! A great stocking stuffer!
Tags: Early learning, improve memory, jokes and riddles, jokes book, jokes book for kids, jokes children, jokes for kids, jokes kids, kids jokes, activity book, activities, knock-knock jokes, Q & A jokes, riddles, brainteasers, tongue twisters, riddles and trick questions, riddle book, riddle book for kids, riddles for kids, riddles for kids 3-7, jokes and riddles for kids, jokes and riddles, best kids jokes and riddles, best kid jokes, family fun, family activities, children’s jokes, funny jokes for kids, children’s activities, precocious children, joke books for kids, joke books for kids 5-7, joke books for kids 8-9, puns, LEGO jokes.