Leading With A Servant's Heart: The Helper
As the team debated who was the greatest, the answer was given whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant. The one that serves, he is the greatest. I have been honored and privileged to work alongside and serve with some of the most noted leaders in various industries. What got me there was simply my willingness to help and serve. I soon discovered it was a direct correlation to my personal success and achievement in life. In fact, it has become my epitaph. (The Helper) In Leading with a Servant's Heart (The Helper), I reveal some of the components that will help lead you to your next level in life, identify your leadership style, and substantiate your role as a leader. Some of the topics shared are The Gift of Helps, Receiving a Double Portion (Operating in the Favor of God), Serving From A Place of Honor and being a Servant Leader. When we Work Unto The Lord in any assignment the ultimate purpose is to hear Him say well done.