The Intricate Simplicity of the Holy Spirit: Written by: A Women's Bible Study that meets in Cleburne, Texas -JoAnn Ferguson, Sharon Jiles, Kathleen ... McClendon, Carolyn Newburn, and Bobbie Knapp
This study of the Holy Spirit is structured for use as a Women's Bible Study, although it is a wonderful study for anyone who wants to learn for themselves or to teach others. If you feel that you don't have a thorough knowledge of the Trinity and Holy Spirit, this book is for you. We don't claim to have all the answers but we have discovered many truths and "breakthroughs" that we didn't know before and we want to share them with you. We used the title of "Intricate Simplicity," because that is what He is. Intricate in that He is God, and the third person of the Holy Trinity. Simplicity because the information concerning Him in the Bible is there for anyone who chooses to learn of Him. It is our hope and prayer that the readers of this book will experience the same joy that we did upon discovering the "Holy Spirit."