The Kingdom Life Journey: How to Live with Kingdom-Minded Purpose
Are you living with Kingdom-minded purpose? This is God's desire for you . . . the journey awaits! "And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come." -Jesus (Matthew 24:14) "If we have a limited time with someone, we would want him or her to fully grasp the gospel of the Kingdom and its implications." That's what each of us working on this project said from the outset. We would want him or her to take what we call the Kingdom Life journey, passing the following signposts along the way: "Seeing the Kingdom Vision," "Relating to the King," "Representing the King," and "Living with Kingdom-Minded Purpose." The Kingdom Life journey will help you understand that what we believe grounded in the Holy Scriptures leads to who we become guided by the Holy Spirit. As the Bible puts it, "Become what you believe" (Matthew 9:29, MSG).There are four distinct stages of this process, each of which you will find in the 12 chapters of this workbook. First, it is essential that we SEE in Scripture the Kingdom principle. Next, we SEARCH the Scriptures more deeply to better "own" the Kingdom principle. Then, we see how we might STAND in this truth in the midst of everyday life. Finally, we SHOW what we have learned to others in our spheres of influence-seeing the gospel of the Kingdom advance deeper in our own hearts and affect those around us. One day we will see this beautiful picture: "a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb" (see Revelation 7:9). At that time we will experience the Kingdom of God in all its fullness! May God use this resource to better enable you to live a Kingdom life in light of that day-and be used of God to help others do the same!