Suzy, Led Zeppelin and Me
In Glasgow in 1972 Led Zeppelin were coming to play. From the moment the gig was announced, nothing seemed quite the same. Events may have proceeded as normal for a gig in Glasgow, as young fans, many still at school, queued in the freezing cold overnight for tickets. They played led Zeppelin records and talked about the gig. They wondered if they had anything good to wear (they hadn't) and wondered if they might have enough nerve to ask out the girl they had a crush on (they didn't). When the band finally arrived, they rushed into the venue, an old cinema, and created as much noise and mayhem as they possibly could. Afterwards they walked through the rain to catch the last bus home. But in-between these ordinary events, more things were happening. Events to change some of their lives and never to be forgotten, even if the only lesson for some was that while love might break your heart, Led Zeppelin would never let you down.