Ancestral Intelligence: Constellation Insights from Beyond
This A.I. Ancestral Intelligence Guided Journal is a collection of deep, simple, and profound insights that emerged from my 20-plus years of Family Constellation Facilitation. I've been blessed to decode these deeper truths from the "Knowing Field" energies and responses from participating attendees. A.I. healing statements are a cathartic release of unspoken truths from our ancestry. Life itself seems to hide truths for millennium. Often, repressing emotional responses to earthly dramas and traumas protected our ancestors, ensuring their survival. It worked as they survived and gave us the opportunity to thrive. This innate intelligence passed on by those who came before manifests in the gift of life that is you. You are the embodiment of a GIFT from the PAST in the PRESENT for the FUTURE.The A.I. quotes and guided questions in this journal are designed to give you insightful perspectives and reveal hidden truths for new levels of healing and freedom in your life. This is the companion guided journal to the original book, "A.I. Ancestral Intelligence: Constellation Insights from Beyond" for self-inquiry, education, and deep personal healing.