Keto Meal Prep
Looking to lose weight? Want to feel better about yourself? Wish that you could wake up tomorrow and just immediately jump out of bed, ready to face the day? Wish that you walked through that day brimming with confidence and self-worth? If you answered yes to any of these questions, the keto diet may very well be for you.This book aims to help make this transition as easy as possible with tips on:●Meal prepping and the tools you need to make it happen●Delicious easy recipes that are a snap to make and can be made in bulk and stored in the fridge or freezer●Some examples of delicious ways to swap out what you would consider staples such as burger buns or pasta●A whole bunch of proof that no, you don’t have to give up all the foods that you love●A comprehensive guide to what you can and cannot eat●Answers to the real reason why you should stick to the keto lifestyle ●Easy, carry around snacks that can be put together easily and with no fuss●Tips on how to reduce and fight sugar cravings●And so much more!The keto diet is given a lot of flack by people, and that’s mostly because they don’t know much about it. This book doesn’t just seek to throw recipes at you and call it even (but the recipes in here are pretty good). It aims to explain to you and help you prep and prepare yourself for the ultimate success. No matter what your goals are, the keto diet has something for everyone whether you want more energy, to lose weight, to save money, or to make yourself healthier. So, why not give it a shot?