Studies in the Gospel of Isaiah: Timeless Writings of the Pioneers
This is a large print (16 point), 827 page publication containing the series of seventy-seven studies in the Gospel of Isaiah written by Elder E. J. Waggoner. They appeared as weekly articles in The Present Truth in 1898, 1899, and 1900. INTRODUCTORY MATERIAL"Since we begin in this number of the paper some studies in Isaiah, it is fitting that before we begin them we should consider the place which the prophecy of Isaiah occupies in Scripture, its relation to us, and its right to be called the Gospel of Isaiah. This last item, however, will appear from the prophecy itself as we proceed in our study. . . ."Inasmuch as everybody has the Bible in the so-called "Authorized Version," and can refer to it at pleasure, and very many have the Revised also, it has been thought best in the present study to give the readers the benefit of another translation. The one chosen has been that of Bishop Lowth, which is without doubt, as a whole, the best English translation of the prophecy of Isaiah. Accordingly we shall print the text of this, as above, and shall in the notes give the student the benefit of any other translations that serve to make any portion of the text more striking. This statement of the case will serve for the regular reader, so that it will not need to be repeated. "Let everyone who proposes to derive lasting benefit from these studies of the Gospel according to Isaiah, give heed to the following counsel: First of all study the text carefully. How? Read it again and again, taking special pains to find out exactly what it says. Note the dependence of every verse and sentence upon that which precedes. Nobody in the world can tell you anything that is true concerning the text, that is not found in the text itself; and if you give heed, you can tell what the Lord says as well as anybody; for He uses the language of the common people. The notes that follow are only designed to fix your attention more sharply on what is contained in the text, and to help you to retain it by associating it with other familiar portions of Scripture. You will see that nothing is introduced that is not contained in the text of the lesson, and will thus learn how rich is the Word of God. . . ."Life in the world to come will be very real. Strangely enough, the term "real life" conveys to most people a sense of hardness and bitter suffering. How sad it is that so many know of no joy except in imagination, and find no happiness except in dreams. But the real- that which God creates- is infinitely beyond the wildest flights of human imagination. Imagination is not needed by the servants of God, for the real brings to them wonders of joy and happiness and knowledge that have never been conceived of by any human heart. There will be nothing vague or misty or shadowy in the new earth, but people will associate together just as in this world, only with no trace of sin. It is sin that has made this earth what it is, and all the change that is needed to make it new is to remove sin from it. 'They shall build houses, and inhabit them; they shall plant vineyards and eat of the fruit of them.' There will be possessions in the land, but no buying and selling, for everything will be free as the gift of God. 'All mine is thine' will be the motto of every inhabitant. That which socialists vainly dream of, and infinitely more, is assured to men through the Gospel."