Disarming High-Conflict Personalities: Dealing with the Eight Most Difficult People in Your Life Before They Burn You Out
How to disarm the people in your life who do the things you don't want them to do and don't do the things you do want them to do!\nTired of bullies running over you and manipulators tricking you? Done getting your buttons pushed? Sick of having that challenging person in your life that makes everything a little more difficult than it needs to be? Today can be the last day they get the best of you!\nThere is a science to human behavior. And as you learn to recognize the patterns, you will discover the combination to the vault that has held you captive. Starting today, disarm the difficult person in your life, reclaim your power with people, and restore your peace you once had before you burnout!\nWhat Experts in the Leadership Development, Faith- Based, Psychotherapy, and Business Communities are saying about Disarming High-Conflict Personalities!\n"Learn how to become the change agent in your relationships and watch what happens in your daily life! Thank you, Jeff, for this helpful information!"
- Dr. Robert A. Rohm
President, Personality Insights, and Co-Founder of discoveryreport.com\n"Dr. Jeff Riggenbach offers his readers a comprehensive and coherent peek into the science of human interaction in his thoughtfully written new book."
- Wendy Behary
Disarming the Narcissist, 3rd Edition/2021