The Secret of Growing True Love That Lasts Habit Builder: How a single question a day can help you love and enjoy your spouse more for a lifetime - starting immediately
In "The Secret of Growing True Love That Lasts," Jim & Carol Steffen share the simple single question a day to grow True Love That Lasts a little every day. However, building the habit of asking that so simple single question a day is not simple-the question is so very simple, building the habit is not. Over the years-both with time management and growing True Love That Lasts, I discovered the Habit Builder that has the following characteristics will assure you of enjoying the desired results for a lifetime.
1. The process is simple.
2. It takes very little time.
3. It has a method to keep score.
4. CRITICAL-It is connected with something that happens daily.
5. It has the motivation to hold your feet to the fire.
This Habit Builder is a detailed workbook to start the chain with helpful reminders to keep you from breaking it and to help you acknowledge your successes, both big and small, along the way. Use the Habit Builder every day to grow your True Love That Lasts and enjoy the QEP-Quick-to-learn, Easy-to-use, Proven-to-work-process that can immediately help you Grow Your True Love That Lasts with someone you really care about.