Police in America
Grounded in evidence-based research, Police in America, Third Editionprovides a comprehensive and realistic introduction to modern-day policing in the United States. Written in a conversational tone and designed to be reader-friendly, author Steven G. Brandl helps readers grasp best practices in everyday policing and encourages them to think critically about common misconceptions of police work. Discussions of discretion, police use of force, and tough ethical and moral dilemmas offer readers a deeper look into the complex issues of policing, prompting them to think more broadly about its impact on society. Also available in Sage Vantage, an intuitive learning platform that integrates quality Sage textbook content with assignable multimedia activities and auto-graded assessments to drive student engagement and ensure accountability. Learn more about 978-1-0719-1544-8, Police in America - Vantage Learning Platform, Third Edition.