Sword Blades and Poppy Seed (Esprios Classics)
Amy Lawrence Lowell (February 9, 1874 - May 12, 1925) was an American poet of the imagist school, which was promoting a return to classical values. She posthumously won the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry in 1926. Her first published work appeared in 1910 in Atlantic Monthly. The first published collection of her poetry, A Dome of Many-Coloured Glass, appeared two years later, in 1912. An additional group of uncollected poems was added to the volume The Complete Poetical Works of Amy Lowell, published in 1955 with an introduction by Untermeyer, who considered himself her friend. Her book Fir-Flower Poets was a poetical re-working of literal translations of the works of ancient Chinese poets, notably Li Tai-po (701-762). Her writing also included critical works on French literature.