Diabetes Distress and Burnout for Parents and Carers: What to do when caring for a young person with Type 1 diabetes is feeling challenging (Talking Type 1)
The demands of caring for a child with diabetes can often become exhausting and overwhelming. Diabetes Distress and Burnout for Parents and Carers provides support to those caring for a child with type 1 diabetes. This booklet helps readers to identify the symptoms of burnout, understand what triggers them, and learn what steps they can take to improve their symptoms and build resilience. Featuring quotes from caregivers who have experienced and overcome burnout and practical tools to manage and ease the symptoms alongside guidance on what to do if a relapse occurs. In addition, the booklet highlights the support available and provides helpful links to sources and organisations where readers can go for further information on diabetes. An ideal resource for caregivers of children and young people with type 1 diabetes, as well as the wider diabetes healthcare team, including clinical psychologists, specialist nurses, endocrinologists and general practitioners.