Little-Known Facts About Well-Known People
What more could possibly be said about the 30 people featured in this volume? Surely, we've all read their biographies or seen biopics, and we're up to speed about how these giants ruled countries, created great art, entertained us, invented stuff, and changed history. Enough, already! But wait. Little-Known Facts About Well-Known People goes beyond stock biographies which reel off the broad strokes or professional accomplishments and what made these people famous or infamous. Rather, the focus here is on what these gods and monsters were up to on the way to the history books-the formative experiences, quirks, and watershed moments that made them the individuals they were or are. Even described are the ways in which they're all just a little bit, shall we say, off-kilter. And thanks to Pamela Sztybel's piercing, touching watercolors, you'll experience Elvis Presley, Winston Churchill, Julia Child, Mahatma Gandhi and the others as you never have before. Yeah, these 30 people are immortal, but as you're about to see, they were human, too. Did you know, for example, that Benjamin Franklin wrote a paper on the benefits of farting, or that Walt Disney was responsible for the death of his mother? Or that Mark Twain invented the modern bra fastener? These facts will change your view of the greats forever. We only hope that reading this book is half as much fun as it was working on it.