Seven Questions About The Greater Reality: We Are Spiritual Beings Having a Human Experience
We are in the midst of a mind shift more grand than the one that began in the 16th century. That was when we found out the Earth was not the center of the universe, thanks to Copernicus with his mathematics and Galileo with his telescope. Now we're finding out that the body, precious and amazing as it is, is not the center of the individual's universe. Researchers in parapsychology (telepathy, remote viewing and precognition, etc.) as well as scientists in quantum physics (the nature of light) are telling us that consciousness is the primary "stuff" of the universe, with the material, space/time forms we know evolving from consciousness. The Seven Questions of the title are:1: What is Aliveness?2: How do we let go of the fear of death? 3: How do we participate as co-creators of reality?4: How can we contact the other side? The practice of automatic writing5: What are we here to learn?6: How do we live our purpose during the upheavals?7: What is time-bound? What is eternal? This book is a collaboration between two souls, one incarnate on earth (Cynthia Spring) and one on the other side (Frances Vaughan) who share a desire to explore the greater reality and share it with others.