Prepared, Ready to Roll - Book 2: Evacuation and Choosing a Safe-Haven Location
Life-changing dangers are on our doorstep. Yet, we don’t need to live in fear—we just need to be prepared and ready to roll. This is a powerful package of emergency resources. It’s a how-to guidebook for evacuation and selecting a safe-haven retreat location. Plus, it is a reference book containing indispensable step-by-step instructions. Whether it be assembling a GO-Bag, learning a dozen simple ways to purify water, selecting the best food choices, building a medical kit, or practical self-defense options, its focus is on practical solutions. The author is the founder of two firearm defense academies, a security consultant, and was formerly a Los Angeles area police SWAT team operator, so he has real-world crisis experience. SIG has been on-scene at numerous disasters, including a killer earthquake and a deadly volcanic eruption. He has personally taken down active shooters, and been part of the thin-blue-line during fiery urban riots. And, for several years, he lived with his family in a country engulfed in a bloody civil war. So, his experience is diverse and extensive. This book is intensely practical. The author’s advice is drawn from his wealth of experience and skills honed the hard way—at ground zero. Written in an engaging casual style, the author explains how to get ready for the dangers on our doorstep today—and for those coming tomorrow. And, how to live life fearlessly, so that you can roll into the future with confidence. About the Four Book Series: In Book-1 of this four-book series, the author explains why responsible people are preparing. It also contains a fiction novelette by best-selling author David Crawford, which Swanstrom uses to provide practical instructions. In this book, which is volume #2 of the series, the focus is on what you need to know and do, to prepare for a safe evacuation. Book-3, available in a single consolidated volume with Book-2, is available here on Amazon. The consolidated version, which contains both Book 2 and 3 together, is a great value for those who are also interested in the topic of sheltering-in-place. Book-4 explains how to develop a safe-haven retreat location. It is scheduled for release in 2019.