Stock Market Scams, Swindles and Successes
Stock Market Scams, Swindles, and Successes is both fun and fascinating. Using four centuries of stock market history, Bryan Taylor has unearthed dozens of entertaining stories about the history of the stock market. Double, Double toil and trouble It started with the South Sea Bubble Canals went up, railroads fell down Bonds and mines crashed to the ground Bull markets came, and stocks went up The bear soon followed, and times got tough It happened before, it’ll happen again, Read this book, or you’ll be broke in the end. The book examines why companies have been successful and provided hundred-fold returns to patient investors—and how scam artists have profited from some of the most outrageous investment ideas imaginable. Read about the stellar successes of Disney, Pepsi, Berkshire Hathaway, and discover the “Prince” who sold bonds for a country that didn’t exist, the man who marketed a perpetual motion machine, and people who successfully cornered stocks only to end up bankrupt. Discover America’s first bull market, the shocking Dow Jones Industrial Average’s 22,000-point mistake, and the Death of Equities. Stock Market Scams, Swindles, and Successes is not only witty and engaging, but Taylor also teaches readers about the past to prepare them for the future.