Your Amazing Itty Bitty Meditation Book: 15 Ways to Benefit from the Mind’s Consciousness Connections

Your Amazing Itty Bitty Meditation Book: 15 Ways to Benefit from the Mind’s Consciousness Connections image




Author(s): Jordan, Rhona
Released: Oct 03, 2017
Publisher: Suzy Prudden
Format: Paperback, 45 pages
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Meditation - The Vehicle to Stress Free and Creative Living 15 Ways to Benefit from the Mind's Higher Levels of Consciousness Connections Power up your brain with meditation, a proven practice with thousands of scientific studies confirming what the ancients knew over six thousand years ago. Meditation is not a religion; it is a spiritual practice as we connect the body, mind, soul and spirit with all of creation. Meditation can: -Increase brain tissue volume, enabling you to make better life choices -Increase telomerase activity, which lengthens your life -Promote inner calm and physical well-being If you want to learn more about meditation, pick up this exciting and informative Itty Bitty(R) Book today.

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