Your Amazing Itty Bitty Medicare Book: 15 Key Steps to Successfully Navigate Medicare.
Learn To Successfully Navigate The Medicare Maze Discover Medicare Rules, Enrollment Periods and Penalties with 15 Successful Tried & True Facts & Tools Did you know that in the United States 9,000 people a day are turning 65 In this informative Itty Bitty Book, Joyce Khoury shows you how to navigate through this complicated journey, carefully and methodically so as to understand the best choices for you and the future of your health. Use these important 15 tools and tips so you can develop a safe way to protect yourself through life's unexpected medical adventures. For example: -Understand why you need to have Part B as soon as you are eligible. -Learn about the differences between all the plans available and how they can benefit you the most. -Understand the basis for Medicare and why it is a gift to us as aging Americans. Pick up a copy of this powerful book today and experience confidence in knowing how to navigate through this Medicare Maze
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