This or Something Better: How to Manifest a Life You Could Never Imagine
Join me as I share life experiences through stories and new insights as I began learning, studying, and practicing the spiritual laws of the Universe. At 50, I made a startling revelation: I realized I was not living the life I always knew I could have. Once I realized it was my limiting beliefs that were hindering my happiness, I began a very new soul- searching journey to attract the “One.” I learned that I had to become the “one” to be ready for him. It took me almost 10 years, but when I did, my whole world opened up to new love, romance, traveling and finally, a deep committed relationship. Together we envisioned the life we wanted after we retired, and today I am happy to say that we have the most beautiful, rich and delicious life one could never even have imagined. I wanted to share my experiences with others, so they too could have their dreams and goals realized or, “This or Something Better.”