Wandering Star: A Reunification Novel (Reunification Series)
A man on a journey, struggling to do the right thing. One woman looking for new worlds to conquer, and another trying to find her way back home. Tossed together by fate, they must learn to trust each other or die.The universe is not as peaceful as the Reunification Commission pretends. Despite rumors of war and revolution, RuComm is sending out diplomats and scientists. They say it is a time for peace. For Ted Holloman, fresh from the RuComm Academy, it is a time of duty and service.Outbound from Earth, Ted has problems of his own. His best friend is in love with Wandering Star’s linguist, a woman with gold flecks in her brown eyes. Too bad being in love is against RuComm policy and the ship’s AI is always watching.Then there’s the chaplain on her way to the Mission on Bodens Gate. When Ted looks into her cold, blue eyes, he sees more than a desire to serve God.Together, they must find a way to survive on Bodens Gate, where the government rules by terror and blood, and death is a simple thing that passes with shrugs more often than tears. Encouraging rebellion there might get them killed. Leading one certainly will. But for love, it might be the only choice.Book One of the Reunification Series. A story of adventure and romance set in a classic Sci-Fi universe.