Bhakti Blossoms: A Collection of Contemporary Vaishnavi Poetry
Featuring the voices of 108 contemporary female practitioners of Bhakti from all over the world, this rare and beautiful anthology illuminates some of the endless treasures that stir in devotional hearts. Whether playing a drum, walking through the woods, cooking or absorbed in mantra meditation, these Vaishnavis prayerfully reflect on the various aspects of their spiritual journeys toward divine love, echoing the spirit of their ancient lineage. Their poems present a wide range of sentiments and perspectives divided into eight themes including their individual relationships with themselves, their gurus, and the divine, as Krishna. Although we find the collective feminine voice at the heart of ancient Bhakti texts, the voices of women on the Bhakti path have typically remained in the background. In solidarity with other efforts that are being made all over the world to restore honor to feminine divine and her servants regardless of gender, this book unites women from various “sangas,” or spiritual communities, to spark a resurgence of the feminine voice in the modern Bhakti movement through poetry. Al proceeds go toward supporting and empowering the voices of women and girls in the Bhakti tradition.