The Truth About Dinosaurs: The Witness of Creation Series Volume Five
Open up any children's book on dinosaurs and what do you see on the very first line of the first page? "Millions of years ago," right? But have you ever stopped to think that if God created all of the life on the planet including the dinosaurs, then why doesn't it say, "In the beginning God?" Could it be that someone is hiding the truth from us? Could it be that we're being brainwashed with an evolutionary lie about dinosaurs so we'll never discover the Biblical truth about God? The answer is simply, yes. And that's why this series, A Fearful Creation, not only shows you the true history of dinosaurs, but it also shows you the true lesson of dinosaurs. That God is real and we really need to have a fear of Him and get right with Him before it's too late. In this study you will see such amazing evidence that answers such thought provoking questions as, "Does the Bible Mention Dinosaurs?" "Did Man Coexist with Dinosaurs?" "Did a Flood Destroy the Dinosaurs?" "Do Dinosaurs Still Live Today?"