Your Amazing Itty Bitty Body-Life Connection Book: 15 Simple Steps to Understanding The Connection Between Your Body and Your Life-Issues
Explore the Mysterious Link Between Your Life and Your Body 15 Fascinating Things That Demonstrate The Connection Between Your Life-Issues and Body Pain or Illness There is a relationship between your life-issues and physical pain in, or injury to, certain body parts. If, for example, you are experiencing pain in your lower back, you may be undergoing money problems. Pain in your shoulders may indicate stress from the way you carry your burdens. This Itty Bitty(R) book is filled with affirmations that address the problems associated with body pain and life-issues. The difficulties can be approached from the body parts themselves or by visiting and pulling a body part card. Discover the issue and get your affirmation for the day. Body part issues can include: -Elbows, which involve establishing boundaries. -Pelvis, which involves creativity. -Buttocks, which are your seat of power. If learning how Body-Life issues are connected interests you, pick up a copy of this remarkable Itty Bitty(R) book today. Check out the Card Readings on