Your Amazing Itty Bitty Little Black Book of Success for Sales Leaders: 15 Critical Steps to Greater Results in Unlocking Your Leadership Potential

Your Amazing Itty Bitty Little Black Book of Success for Sales Leaders: 15 Critical Steps to Greater Results in Unlocking Your Leadership Potential image




Author(s): Camacho, Anthony
Released: Apr 25, 2017
Publisher: Suzy Prudden
Format: Paperback, 46 pages
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Leadership Success Turn Your Sales Team Into the Most Productive Team in Your Company. Be a Winner. Your promotion to leadership level requires a new mindset. All the skills that you have acquired throughout your sales history now have a new application - a new customer - your Sales Team. In this remarkable Itty Bitty(R) Book, internationally famous sales performance trainer, Anthony Camacho, shows you how to apply your sales skills to create successful and effective Sales Teams. You will learn: -The essentials of coaching your sales team. -How to motivate your team. -How to delegate with style. -How to motivate your team to greater success. If you want to learn how to apply your sales skills to a higher leadership level, pick up a copy of this revolutionary Itty Bitty(R) Book today.

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