Perfect Penny - It's Not Over Until I Win (2)
In this exciting sequel to Perfect Penny Positive Words Perfect Penny - It's Not Over Until I Win! book #2 of the Perfect Penny Series Best-Selling Author Serena Brown Travis inspires and motivates us with more amazing adventures from the life and through the eyes of Perfect Penny. Using her dire circumstances from her humble beginnings Penny chooses to embrace positivity and when an assignment from her teacher turns into a less in positivity for all her entire classroom is inspired.Despite her humble start in life Penny finds the resources that empower her to overcome adversity and bring positivity to her life affecting all of those around her with optimism and hope. Perfect Penny is destined to become a classic series for children and a favorite for parents and grandparents for story time, bed time, play time or any time.Perfect Penny Positive Words is the first in the Perfect Penny series. Inspired by the stories of Earl Nightengale, Napoleon Hill, W. Clement Stone, Zig Ziglar, Les Brown and many other great names in the personal development and self-help space. The author having grown up in the personal development movement long before it went mainstream and before anyone know of "The Secret" or the "Law of Attraction"