Into the Unseen: Spiritism & Mediumship
About the book This legendary book tells everything about the spirit world and its manifestations in vivid detail. From Europe to the UK, and all over the US, not forgetting places as unusual as Brazil, and from the distant past of humanity, INTO THE UNSEEN does justice to them all, while revealing Léon Denis's very personal take on Spiritism and New Spiritualism in general. A fascinating narrative backed by a plethora of extraordinary cases carefully researched by the author. This English translation is the first to thoroughly update and research hundreds of footnote references. Contents Introduction Preface to the new edition Part one Experimental Spiritism: Laws I Spiritist science II The ascending march: Methods of study III Spirits and their Forms IV Mediumship V The role and education of mediums VI Communion between the living and the dead VII Spiritism and women VIII Laws of spirit communication IX Experimental conditions 1 Typtology and table turning 2 Automatic writing 3 Incorporation 4 Materialization X Group formation and direction XI Moral applications and results of Spiritism Part two Experimental Spiritism: Phenomena XII Exteriorization of human beings, Telepathy, OBE, the phantasms of the living XIII Premonitory dreams, Clairvoyance, Forewarnings XIV Psychical sight & hearing in the waking state XV Psychical force, the Fluids, Magnetism XVI Spontaneous phenomena, Haunted houses XVII Physical phenomena, the Tables XVIII Direct writing or psychography, mediumistic writing XIX Trance and Incorporations XX Spirit apparitions and Materializations XXI Identity of spirits Part three The ups and downs of mediumship XXII Mediumship practices and dangers XXIII Hypotheses and objections XXIV Mediumship abuse XXV Mediumship as martyrdom XXVI Mediumship in its glory Afterword About the author Léon Denis is one of the greatest thinkers of Spiritism after Allan Kardec. His practical and research work in the field has added enormously to his philosophical view of spirits and mediumistic phenomena, including an almost encyclopedic knowledge on the subject, as displayed in his book Into the Unseen.