Painting By Numbers: How to sharpen your BS detector and smoke out the "experts"
Winner of 2017 Independent Publishers IPPY GOLD and 2016 Foreword Reviews INDIE SILVER
BETTER NUMERICAL LITERACY ISN'T JUST DESIRABLE; IT'S ESSENTIAL TO SUSTAINING A CIVIL, DEMOCRATIC, AND FREE SOCIETY In the public sphere, numbers are supposed to be more solid than words, less subjective. They are not. "The numbers don't lie," say experts. Yet they very often do. Numerical results are used to further the political, business, academic, and personal objectives of those who wield them.
In PAINTING BY NUMBERS, you get wisdom, humor, and twelve commandments anyone can apply to separate numerical BS from valid results. It will raise your numerical literacy, and that of your friends, family, colleagues, and students. Even PhDs have called PAINTING BY NUMBERS a "refreshing refresher," and "something every literate person needs to understand." Given polling controversies in the recent election, vociferous debate over climate change, economic meltdowns caused by bogus and fraudulent financial models, medical and health trends driven by dubious results from trials, even sports now managed by "numbers guys," better numerical literacy isn't just desirable; it's essential to sustaining a civil, democratic, and free society.