Wingless: Poems by Linda Singer
"He says, ‘I will never hurt you.’ That’s the moment that I know. There will be pain. The only question now, how deep the cut goes." “Linda Singer poems persuade that all poems are love poems, either by inclusion or difference. Her poems of love lived, gathered, and survived, extract the sweetness of the water of life whether it be in the form of cruel ice or evasive vapor. While mapping the strange dances between angels and crows, she convinces that in passion, loss, and struggle, selfless ‘wingless' love is the only true reward.” — Gary Jacobelly, playwright and poet "Linda Singer is a story teller. She captures the reader with her “smoldering dreams/ of pleasure and sanction and consent.” This is not a roses and violins book of love poems. It’s the bloody, giddy, real deal." — Elaine Mintzer