The Holy Spirit Book: Discovering the Person, the Purpose, and the Power of the Promised Holy Spirit
Living victoriously isn't's impossible. That's why Jesus sent us the Holy Spirit! Jesus sent us the One who is exactly like Him. The Holy Spirit is our perfect provision. He is the One who provides the power, the comfort, the help, and the joy we need to overcome and live victoriously. God's invitation to the thirsty is simply to come and drink. After 50+ years of studying and teaching about the Holy Spirit, Roy Lessin has written The Holy Spirit Book: Discovering the Person, the Purpose, and the Power of the Promised Holy Spirit. He uses a combination of Scriptures and real life stories to help others understand what the Bible says about who the Holy Spirit is, why He came, and how to receive His power. Roy's classic, simple style allows readers to come away equipped with Biblical knowledge and empowered to live their life where the Holy Spirit is not just resident, but president! © 2017 Roy Lessin